108 Hines Hall
M.F.A. in
B.F.A. in
Presently an Assistant Professor of University Studies,
Culture Studies 200
Arts and
Sciences 250 Honors Great Ideas
English 111
/ Sociology 101, combined, interdisciplinary course developed with support
from an Arts
and Sciences Dean’s General Education Course Enhancement Grant.
English 111 Composition
Expository Writing.
English 111r
Expository Writing in the Chapman Community *.
English 1000
Developmental English.
English 112 Argument
Analysis and Research Writing.
English 112H
Media Analysis for the honors program.
English 200
Writing Across the Curriculum.
English 207 Intermediate
English 2007 Introduction to Poetry Writing.
English 2009
Introduction to Screenplay Writing.
English 202
Introduction to Literature of Nature Survey.
English 202
Introduction to Literature of Society.
English 2025
Introduction to Fiction Survey.
English 2123
Special Topics in Literature, Violence in Literature.
Honors 400H
Special Seminar Historical Film, Adaptation, & Screenwriting.
UNST 120
Contemporary World, 150 seat lecture course
UNST 110
Critical Writing interdisciplinary critical thinking and writing course
UNST 103
Basic Writing
UNST 221 Thematic Writing and Speaking:
Technology and Society
UNST 238 Screenwriting History
developed for Fall 2009
Liberal Studies 302 Media Analysis
developed for Fall 2009
*The Chapman
Community is a residential academic program that houses multiple faculty
members from a variety of departments and focuses on a strong commitment to
individual students.
UNST 103 Basic Writing Course Coordinator Spring 2008-present:
major course assessments and reports findings back to administration
course curriculum to ensure course
content meets objectives of the program
the development, oversight, and implementation of team’s core curriculum
with faculty, administration, and curriculum committees to formulate course
objectives and develop course content related to program goals
as a liaison between students, faculty, staff, and administration, and as such
ensures the flow of communication between involved parties
facilitate the collaborative development of evaluation tools to assess student
achievement of course objectives
human resources responsibilities such as the recruiting, hiring, and training
of faculty and teaching assistants; the administration of financial/budgetary
issues such as salary and stipends; and other personnel issues.
issues between the faculty and students in the respective foundation course
performance of team members and ensures quality instruction (evaluation)
110 Rubric
Development Committee, Assisted in the development and revision of critical writing rubrics
that would be used division wide, Fall 2008-present.
110 Curriculum Committee assisted in the redesign and development of critical writing,
Fall 2007-present
120 Curriculum Committee assisted in the redesign and development of contemporary
World, Spring 2008
Technology committee 110, explored ways to more fully integrate technology in
innovative ways to enhance student learning Fall 2007-present
Academic Affairs Committee Liberal Studies, assisted in the redesign and
development of
Studies Fall 2007-present
TA Training, developed and facilitated training
for TAs in UNST Contemporary World to
student writing assignments. Spring 2008.
Chancellor’s Installation Writing Contest, advertised the contest, collected and
evaluated essays, and coordinated outside reviewers, Spring 2008.
Critical Writing Hiring Committee, reviewed, assessed, and assisted in hiring process,
Spring 2008.
Program Reviewer for the
determine if they were meeting
UNST Awards Committee, member assisted in the planning ceremony to honor university
studies’ students Spring 2008
UNST Library Funds Committee, Chair received a $10,000 stipend to develop library
resources that would enhance university studies
mission and goals, Fall 2007
Brown Bag Co-chair -- lunch series
for liberal studies and university studies faculty
featuring presentations professional development
specifically related to the UNST
mission Fall 2007- Spring 2008.
Curriculum Committee, develop and
coordinate interdisciplinary curriculum with the
Community. Fall 2001-2006.
Media Committee, Chair, developed video and
technology policies, assisted
in establishing workshops for faculty and students
on technology and how it can enhance education. Developed and presented
information session on Blackboard for students and faculty. Fall 2001-2006.
BGSU Academic Honesty Committee, member. Fall 2003 – Fall 2005.
General Studies Writing Instructor Representative, elected
position which makes
and /or policies on wide variety of issues including: course objectives and
curricular elements of 110,111,112; methods for instructor evaluations and GSW
assessment; textbook selection; action on complaints; etc Fall 2001- Spring
United Christian Fellowship, Secretary of
the Board of Trustees, a non-profit, non-
organization that supports education and advocacy of social justice issues in
Reach Out, Faculty Advisor, advice BGSU
students committed to social justice issues. Fall
Coordinator of Learning Exchanges Chapman Learning Community, developed
interdisciplinary materials for
Sociology, Ethnic Studies, Popular Culture, and
English. Fall 2001-Fall 2006.
Advisor, Chapman Tsunami relief Group. Spring
of Student Blogging Project, mentored
and evaluated students in blogging,
on-line journaling on contemporary issues, and developing an on-line
community. Fall 2004-Spring 2005.
Speaker, McDonald Hall Floor Program for
Ashley Smith, RA. “Writing for
College”. Spring 2005.
Speaker, co-presenter
with Jay Jones in a GSW brown bag for GSW faculty on
collaboration and unit development.
Fall 2003.
Guest Speaker, English 602, to assist current TA’s
in general composition or classroom
questions. Spring 2003 Spring 2004, Spring 2005.
I have participated in over twelve
faculty development workshops and two faculty development courses while
instructing at
Lilly South Conference on College and University Teaching.
Lilly South Conference on College and University Teaching.
for Teaching & Learning workshop on assessment Spring 2008
for Teaching & Learning workshop on transformative education Fall 2007
Development Fall 2007
Institutional Training Initiative began IRB training Spring 2008
It Write: Designing Effective Writing Assignments and Evaluation Tools for Non-
Teachers” Beth Kaufka and
“6th Annual NC State Undergraduate
Assessment Symposium,”
“Visuals in the Critical Writing Class: You Use
Reservoir Dogs How?” Lilly South,
“Effective Interventions for Student Mental Health
On-Campus: Collaborations &
Community,” NASPA,
“Experiential Learning: Writing, Sociology, and
Community Involvement,” 22nd Annual
Lilly Conference on College
Teaching at
“Experiential Learning: Writing, Sociology, and
Community Involvement,” 6th Annual
Living and Learning Programs
Conference at
Page Awards
2008, Quarterfinalist 2008
International Screenwriting Awards, Quarterfinalist, 2008
20/20 Screenplay Contest, finalist, 2008.
Chapman Community Master Teacher, 2005-2006.
Student Nominated, BGSU Distinguished Instructor Award,
finalist, 2005-2006.
BGSU Faculty Development Speed Grant, $350.00 for
the NASPA Student Mental Health
January 2005.
General Education Course Enhancement Program Grant, Arts &
Sciences, $4,000
Spring 2002.
ITS Technology Grant, to purchase
DV equipment for student use, Fall 2001.
BGSU Foundation Grant, to attend
workshops in digital media, Fall 2001.
CLC Grant, to establish and direct study tables
at Chapman Learning Community, Fall 2001
Nicholl’s Fellowship, semi-finalist,
Fall 1999, 2000, and 2001.
Chesterfield Competition,
semi-finalist, Fall 1998 and 1999.
The Tony Bill Award for Screenwriting, Spring
The Louise Gluck Award for Poetry, Spring
I have published
numerous poems in the following national journals and magazines: Epicenter, Subterrain, New York
Quarterly, Spillway, Dream International Quarterly, and California Quarterly Red
River Review; Amelia; Spillway; Slipstream; Defined Providence; Spout; Faultline; Sunstone; Key Satch(el); Comstock Poetry Review; Cold Mountain Review; The Exquisite Corpse; Zugernat; Bottomfish; Poetry Motel; Innisfree; Riverking; Skanolan; Malcontent;
Lucidity; CPU Review; Potpourri, Blue
Collar Review and others. A list of titles and publication dates is
available upon request.
Confession,” Synergism, an anthology of collaborative poems. Spring
Plays &
Steele,” full-length screenplay.
Completed 2007.
Backlash,” full-length screenplay. Completed 2004.
“Thank God
for Perverts,” film short. Completed 2001.
Busters, a love poem” (video short) written, directed, and independently
produced. Premier
“The Maker’s
Maids,” (full-length) revision requested by Praxis Entertainment,
Nichols fellowship 1999, 2000, 2001. Completed Fall 1999.
“Plasma for Ray,” (full-length) semi-finalist, Chesterfield
Competition, Spring 1999, 2000.
Completed Fall 1998.
(full-length) won the Tony Bill Award for Screenwriting, Spring 1997. Completed
Fall 1997.
Snow Island Review, a student run literary and
art journal. Advisor, Fall 1999-Fall 2000.
* New Delta Review, a national literary and art
journal. Poetry Editor, 1996-1998.
New Delta Review, Poetry Staff, 1995-1996.
* The
Hot Wheels, a monthly newsletter for the
Louisiana Independent Auto Dealers Association.
* Fandango, a local literary and art journal.
Founder & Editor, 1994-1995.
Mid-American Review, an international literary
journal. Associate Editor, 1993-1994.
* Anathema Review, a national literary and art
journal. Co-founder and Editor,
* Prairie Margins, BGSU’s undergraduate
literary and art journal. Editor, 1991-1992.
Prairie Margins, Poetry Editor and Poetry Staff,
* Editorial
responsibilities included, but are not limited to: selection of manuscripts,
management of staff (3-12 people), solicitation of work from writers,
correspondence with contributors, proofreading galleys and page proofs, layout
and design (PageMaker), and writing articles, interviews, and book reviews.
Available Upon Request